Quality Rating
The Ministry of Education is responsible for annual inspections and for ensuring Red Apple Day Care meets all licensing requirements. You can view our inspection summary by searching Red Apple Day Care from the Ministry’s website.
Assessment for Quality Improvement is performed by inspectors from the City of Toronto annually during unannounced visits to the child care. The ratings are on a 5 point scale, 3 is meeting expectations, but the ratings only represent a “snapshot” of the day the Analyst visits. The purpose of the rating is to assist parents in finding quality child care programs. Families can view Red Apple Day Care assessment ratings directly from the City of Toronto website. We suggest to families to visit programs and see what they offer. AQI rating scales do not show the full picture of what the childcare has to offer and to get a feel of what the program is about.
We welcome families to book a tour of our facility which would provide you the opportunity to interact with our educators and ask questions regarding our programs.