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Red Apple Day Care Early Learning Program

@ Saint John XXIII Elementary School

175 Grenoble Drive,

Toronto, Ontario M3C 3E7

Telephone: (416) 429-6662


Offering Toddler – School-Age Care

Hours of Operation:

Mon-Fri: 7:30AM – 6:00PM

Red Apple Day Care

 @ Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute

135 Overlea Boulevard,

Toronto, Ontario M3C 1B3

Telephone: (416) 429-5437


Offering Infant – Preschool Care

Hours of Operation:

Mon-Fri: 7:30AM – 6:00PM

Red Apple Day Care–Rouge River

 @ Joyce Timmer Park

8450 Sheppard Avenue East

Toronto, Ontario M1B 5R4

Telephone: (416) 900-4845


Offering Infant – Preschool Care

Hours of Operation:

Mon-Fri: 7:30AM – 6:00 PM 

Meet Our Staff

Neena Locke Pic

Neena Locke, BA, RECE, ECAd

Executive Director--Red Apple Day Care

I have had the great pleasure of working at Red Apple Day Care since 1998, first as a RECE in the preschool room than as a Director since 2000.  I have a BA in Psychology from University of Windsor and RECE from Centennial College. While working at Red Apple Day Care, I  earned my certification in Early Childhood Administration in 1999. Working closely with the Daycare Board of Directors, I oversees the day-to-day management of both centers. I am responsible for maintaining compliance with city and provincial requirements as well as ensuring that staff have the resources they need to provide a nurturing environment for children to play and learn.  I am a strong advocate for quality childcare and serve on the Board of Directors of the Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care (TCBCC) since 2000.  Families are the focus of care at Red Apple Day Care and it is such a pleasure to work with such wonderful  individuals who have the same philosophy and drive to make our center one of high quality.

Donna Robinson, RECE, RT

Supervisor at Red Apple Day Care (Overlea)

My name is Donna Robinson and I am the supervisor at the Red Apple Daycare Overlea site. My career in Early Learning and care began in 1996 after graduating from Conestoga College in Kitchener. I have been working for this amazing organization since March 2002, working in all of the rooms before becoming the supervisor. I am very proud to work with this dedicated team of professionals and board of directors. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for children. Our goal is to give you peace of mind, so you can feel good going to work every day. When you enroll your child with us, you enter into a partnership with us to support your child in all areas of development.


Ruby Malobago, RECE

Supervisor at Red Apple Day Care--Rouge River

“Find a job you enjoy doing and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” – Mark Twain

This rings true for me in every aspect. In 2007 I was a resident of Thorncliffe and a recent graduate from Centennial College. I was eager to find a centre and finally use all the knowledge I had obtained in early childhood development. Red Apple daycare was the first centre to give me a call! Elated, as it was so close to home I started my journey here after College and I will be forever be grateful that I have come across a place that values care and kindness above all else. Fast forward to the present, I am working as an Assistant Supervisor at our Grenoble location. My role is to help support staff, parents and children every day as well as manage the administrative aspect of our centre. It’s been my passion to care for children and support families all these years and that passion has only continued to grow. 

Darren Kells, RECE

Supervisor at Red Apple Day Care--Early Learning Program

My name is Darren Kells and I am a very proud husband, father and Supervisor here at Red Apple Daycare. I have been an RECE since 2007 and have been working at Red Apple since 2010 and loving every minute of it!

I like to incorporate my interests in music and sports into my teaching and programming. I can often be found playing guitar and singing songs with the children. The dedicated, passionate and supportive team at Red Apple always work collaboratively to ensure your child has a positive learning experience. I’m proud to call Red Apple my home.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What happens when my child develops symptoms of illness while in care?
    If your child develops symptoms while in care, you will be asked to pick them up as soon as possible. The center has an illness policy, depending on what symptoms your child has, they may be excluded anywhere from 24 to 48 hours or until they are well enough to participate in the program.
  • What are your staff qualifications?
    Most of our Red Apple staff are Registered Early Childhood Educators and a few Early Childhood Assistants. All of our staff are CPR and First Aid certified along with having a clear vulnerable sector checks.  All staff upgrade their skills throughout the year by taking workshops, courses, peer shadowing, etc.  Our staff are always striving to learn so that we are able to incorporate that into all of our daily programs.
  • What kind of security do you have?
    To enter the building you must ring a doorbell that has a visual camera and speakerphone, please identify who you are so that we can let you in. We do not allow anyone in the building that we don't know or are familiar with.  The health and safety of our teachers and children is very important to us.  We do a lock down procedure and fire drills throughout the year so we all know what the protocol is in case of an emergency.
  • How many meals or snacks do you provide per day?
    We provide a morning snack that has 3 food groups, a hot lunch that has all 4 food groups, an afternoon snack that incorporates 3 good groups, and a late snack at 5:00 p.m. for those children who are still in care until 6:00 p.m.. All meals are provided by our catering company Real Food for Real Kids, please see their menu in nutrition page.
  • How do you mitigate the spread of germs through the day?
    Cleaning is done throughout the day from sanitizing high and low touch surfaces and disinfecting toys after each use. Enhanced cleaning is also done prior to accepting children in the morning and at the end of the day before we leave for the day.  We make sure that our space is clean throughout the day to mitigate spreading on germs.  As our children are young and very explorative, we cannot always see what needs to be cleaned but we try our best to wash and sanitize all toys and surfaces.
  • What do I need for my child to start?

    Before your child’s first day, you need to go on our waiting list.  Please fill out all the pertinent information so once we have a space, we we can contact you.  Once a placement has been make, the center will send you all the forms via email, or you can come to pick up a hard copy.  Please fill out the forms in it's entirety, include sending a copy of the child's immunization card, any allergies we need to be aware of, etc.  We would require all paperwork back before the start date so we can start a file on your child.  If you would like a tour to see the program your child will be situated in, please set up a date and time to come see the premises so our supervisors can show you around and introduce you to the program and teachers your child will be put in.

  • Does my child need to be potty trained before starting Preschool?
    No, each child develops differently from one another and it is not a requirement for the children to be potty trained to start preschool (2.5-4yrs). Once in our care, we work through potty training in our program where we take the children's cues and enhance their confidence and toilet readiness.  Most children train very quickly once they are around their peers who are toilet trained.
  • Are you closed on STAT holidays?
    Yes, we are closed for all STAT holidays that are recognized by the province.  Fees are not rebated for STAT holidays, they are included in the monthly fee that is charged to the parents.
  • Do you charge parent daily fees for when a child is on vacation or sick?
    Yes, we change fees for the full month and parents must pay regardless if the child is on vacation or home due to illness. Fees are  charged as the center is still incurring expenses during those absent days.
  • What are your hours of operation?
    Red Apple is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We ask parents to pick up your child before 6:00 p.m. as there is a charge of fees in the amount of $1.00/minute. Our teachers work an 8 hour shift and they need to get home to their families, hence the late fee charge.
  • Can I have a tour of the classroom?
    We are happy to have parents come in for a tour, please make an appointment so our Supervisors can book time to show you the premises and give you an overview of the program.

Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE)

Each staff member is experienced in working with all age groups. There are qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators and staff with BA Degrees along with Teacher Assistants in each room. All ECEs are Registered through the College of Early Childhood Educators.

Red Apple Daycare has specific guidelines with regard to appropriate behaviour management which is signed by all staff, volunteers and students. The staff are regularly monitored for adherence to this policy.

All staff/board who have direct contact with the children have had their Criminal Reference Check done as per the Ministry of Education directive.

College of Early Childhood Education:

Board of Directors

The Red Apple Board of Directors chooses staff who are professional and strives to maintain a high standard in their career in Early Childhood Education.

Red Apple Daycare is a non-profit community-based child care centre with a nine-member Board of Directors which is elected at the Annual Grand Meeting every year. Members of the Board of Directors comprise of parents, teachers, and interested community members. The Board of Directors meets about every few months to discuss budget matters, fundraising, futures, and personnel.

Program Philosophy

Red Apple Day Care’s philosophy is to encourage children to pursue learning together, in an engaging and nurturing environment, supported by dedicated and caring early childhood educators. We believe that children are confident, competent, and resourceful learners who are capable of constructing their own knowledge of the world around them. We aim to build relationships that support children to:

  • Feel a sense of belonging, wellbeing, and a strong sense of identity.
  • See themselves as constructive contributors to the community.
  • See themselves as valued and unique individuals.
  • Learn respect, responsibility, and care for each other.


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Communication with Parents

Communication is an integral part of Red Apple as we believe that providing parents with a glimpse of the children’s day to day assists in family’s peace of mind.

Red Apple Daycare uses HiMama as a means of communication from diaper changes to the children’s activities and the developmental milestones they are achieving. Each classroom is equipped with an iPad to record toileting, meals, moods, temperature, supplies needed, health, sleep and daily activities. Through the app parents are able to monitor in real time when their child used the toilet, what they had for lunch and what time they went to sleep.

Parental involvement and partnership is recognized to be key to the success of all aspects of our programs and services at Red Apple Day Care.  We ensure that parents are significant part in the development and delivery aspects of the services offered at our center.  Red Apple Day Care has an open door policy, and we believe that parents are the most influential persons in a child’s life so it’s very important that the center works cooperatively with parents to meet the needs of their child. Parents are always welcomed to come in and discuss their child development, take part in the center programs by offering ideas, help on trips, attend social gatherings, help with fundraising, etc.  Through open communication we can all work together to continue to make Red Apple Day Care a place where children learn and grow. 

This portal also allows parents to communicate directly with their child’s teachers. Once the day is done, parents get a summary of the day and all the fun things they have done.









Ratio 3:10

Ratio 2:10

Ratio 2:16




Jr/Sr. Extended Day

Jr/Sr. School-Age

YLP (Youth Leadership Program






Ratio 3:15

Ratio 3:24

Ratio 2:26

Ratio 2:30

Ratio 1:20

Quality Rating

The Ministry of Education is responsible for annual inspections and for ensuring Red Apple Day Care meets all licensing requirements.  You can view our inspection summary by searching Red Apple Day Care from the Ministry’s website.

Assessment for Quality Improvement is performed by inspectors from the City of Toronto annually during unannounced visits to the child care. The ratings are on a 5 point scale, 3 is meeting expectations, but the ratings only represent a “snapshot” of the day the Analyst visits. The purpose of the rating is to assist parents in finding quality child care programs. Families can view Red Apple Day Care assessment ratings directly from the City of Toronto website. We suggest to families to visit programs and see what they offer. AQI rating scales do not show the full picture of what the childcare has to offer and to get a feel of what the program is about.

We welcome families to book a tour of our facility which would provide you the opportunity to interact with our educators and ask questions regarding our programs.


Fees effective 2025

We are happy to inform you that Red Apple Day Care has been enrolled in the Canada-wide Early Learning childcare program “CWELCC” System since 2022We continue to be committed to keeping fees as low as possible for families.  Below are our fees for 2025.

Infant: $22.00/day

Toddler: $22.00/day

Preschool: $20.79/day

Kindergarten: $14.65/day

School-Age: $31.00/day


"Healthy Eating is more than the food you eat."
- Canada's Food Guide

Providing nutritious meals and snacks is a fundamental piece of providing quality care. That’s why our hot meals and snacks are catered by Real Food for real kids who go above and beyond the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA). Their menu is regularly reviewed and approved by a third-party Registered Dietitian. The real food promise consists of no artificial colours, flavour or sweeteners. They believe in sustainable farming seafood and locally farmed produce. Meats are pasture-raise with no added hormones or routine antibiotics along with organic chicken meatballs and turkey.

Accommodations are made for all children with dietary preferences or restrictions. Our food is pork and peanut free and we provide vegan, vegetarian and halal options.

Due to some of the children in our programs having anaphylactic allergies, we do not allow outside food or drink on the premises. We provide all the food that children require throughout the day except for the exception of infants who require puree food.

Real Food for Real Kids

Canada’s Food Guide

Partners and Resources


Download Our Policies Below:


“So thankful for all of your team through the years, you guys are so wonderful and have been such a blessing for us.”
"We appreciate all the staff and what you do, especially this year. Considering the virus, I was generally very worried about putting my kids back into care. However, all the precautions and care that you and the staff are taking to ensure that all the kids are safe has put my mind at complete ease. We thank you for being our frontline workers."
Dec. 2020
"Thank you for all your hard work, patience, grace, flexibility, and resourcefulness this year. We really appreciate you and your great staff."
Dec. 2020
“We have no idea how to thank you for the 11 years of support, help, and care for K. But all we know is you are always in our heart.”
Sept. 2020
“Thank you so much for making our first week here at Red Apple so welcoming. From holding Q, giving her cuddles, and walking me through a typical transition day, as well as the pictures on the HiMama app. We really appreciate your kindness.”
Jan. 2020
“Today has been G’s last day at Red Apple Day Care, she has spent the last 9 years with you guys! I wanted to let you know that I could not have asked for a better place. You all took care of my daughter like she was your own, you supported us through thick and thin and helped us raise a remarkable young lady. There are no words to express my gratitude.”
Aug. 2019
“Thank you so much for all of your hard work and patience, not only for my son but for each and every kid in the center. All of you are so amazing and we, as parents, are so glad to have all of you as teachers on our children as well as friends that we can always count on. Again a very big thank you!”
June 2018
“My child has had a great 4 years at Red Apple Day Care and we are looking forward to many more. It has been a great experience with everyone since the day she started. Thanks again for everything that you and your staff do for our children.”
Oct. 2018
“Today was a stepping stone not just for my son but for myself. He has never left my side until today, it was harder on me than on him. Thank you for your care, understanding, and patience. Your support was so very much appreciated and I just and I wanted to thank you for your continued support and reassurance.”
June 2016
"We want to give a big thank you to all of you guys who made our transition from home to daycare (I must say another home) so comfortable and so trustworthy. You guys are amazing. I want to thank you all for your patience in addressing all my concerns, my initial apprehension and above all my insecurities. Thank You for taking care of our daughter as if your own child, thank you for bestowing so much of love and affection to her, thank you for being a lovely group of people which I’ll admire throughout my life. Thank you for giving such a big contribution in my daughter’s life. She is a completely different girl now with awesome, loveable, independent personality and most of its credit goes to you all. A BIG THANK YOU GUYS😘😘😘”
April 2016
“To the management and staff of Red Apple Day Care, a big thanks to you for taking care of our daughter. You are all so awesome, good work! We will surely miss you!”
May 2010
"Red Apple is such an awesome daycare! We've been recommending it to all of our friends. Thank you for all that you do for us, but especially for all you do for the kids."
“We are so grateful for you. Thank you for the way you are caring for and shaping B and all of the other kids. The work you are doing is life changing and admirable. Thank you”
“Thank you all for taking such good care of our baby! We will forever be grateful for all the hard work you all do to make Z days so bright.”
“Thank you for always creating such a wonderful and caring space for our girls.”
“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making the boys daycare a home-full of love and laughter. You has made Red Apple unforgettable for us.”
“Thank you for a wonderful year at Red Apple! We are constantly amazed by what she is learning and creating and experiencing under your care. Since day one we've had nothing but wonderful impressions of Red Apple. Everyone is so warm, nurturing and responsive the the little ones in their care.”
“We can't thank you enough for all the wonderful care the amazing Red Apple staff have provided. L has been so happy at Red Apple and has developed in so many wonderful ways. Thank you for creating an environment for L to explore, learn, share and have fun. The staff is very special and we appreciate all the wonderful work you do.”
“Thank you very much for everything. For the last three years you have helped us raise our son. You have kept him safe, kept him busy, taught him letters and numbers and science and fiction. You have let him play and played along. You helped us potty train him and to him to eat ten times as many vegetables as we did. Our time with Red Apple has been a precious gift. ”
“Thank you for making this transition so much easier. You have put my mind at ease and listened to my concerns and given thoughtful and caring answers. It means so much to us to have N in such good hands while I am at work.”
“There are no words to say what an amazing year you have given our little L. You've been there for her and me and a rock when we needed one. Thank you for being the greatest, teaching, hugging, loving team a Mommy and Daddy could ask for.”
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